Results for 'Olívia Brandão Melo Campelo'

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  1.  5
    Poder, Instituições e Normas: a Autoridade como fundamento das decisões judiciais.Alysson Fernando Paiva & Olívia Brandão Melo Campelo - 2024 - Dois Pontos 21 (1).
    Resumo: O artigo discute a causa da coexistência de decisões divergentes em um sistema jurídico. A análise se baseia na teoria institucional de John Searle, abordando fatos institucionais, poderes deônticos e a relação entre lei e linguagem. A linguagem jurídica, aberta e abstrata, é explorada quanto à sua indeterminação, vagueza e ambiguidade. A autoridade do julgador na interpretação e aplicação das leis, ressaltando que decisões contra legem são possíveis devido à diversidade de critérios interpretativos, e o fundamento de decisões se (...)
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    O conceito de trabalho em Lukács: implicações no campo da política educacional.Olívia Rochadel, Regina Célia Linhares Hostins & Alessandra Giacomett Melo - 2019 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 24.
    O artigo é um ensaio teórico com o propósito de discutir as implicações do conceito de trabalho, na perspectiva do filósofo húngaro György Lukács, no campo da política educacional. Em tempos em que a educação brasileira se distancia de um projeto de emancipação do indivíduo, dadas as configurações que vem assumindo as políticas educacionais nos últimos anos, particularmente as políticas curriculares para o ensino médio, parece apropriada a análise do trabalho em sua matriz ontológica, estabelecendo uma estreita correlação entre subjetividade (...)
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    Ethical and Legal Issues in Xenotransplantation.Helena Melo, Cristina Brandão, Guilhermina Rego & Rui Nunes - 2001 - Bioethics 15 (5-6):427-442.
    In most western countries, there is a 'human organ shortage' with waiting lists for the performance of transplantation. In a recent report of the UNOS Ethics Committee it is stated that there are approximately 31,000 potential recipients on waiting lists, but only one fourth of potential donors give their specific consent. Xenotransplantation--defined as the transplantation of animal cells, tissues or organs into human beings--is associated with particular ethical dilemmas, namely the problems of efficiency and safety of this medical procedure. The (...)
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    Distributive Justice and the Introduction of Generic Medicines.Guilhermina Rego, Cristina Brandão, Helena Melo & Rui Nunes - 2002 - Health Care Analysis 10 (2):221-229.
    Introduction: All countries face the issue of choice in healthcare. Allocation of healthcare resources is clearly associated with the concept of distributive justice and to the existence of a right to healthcare. Nevertheless, there is still the question of whether this right should include all types of healthcare services or if it should be limited to selected types. It follows that choices must be made, priorities must be set and that efficiency of healthcare services should be maximum.
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    Resenha: Teologia do Riso: humor e mau humor na Bíblia e no cristianismo. Campina Grande: EDUEPB, 2017. 574p. il.Antonio Carlos de Melo Magalhães & Leandro Scarabelot - 2018 - Horizonte 16 (50):981-986.
    Book review: FERRAZ, Salma; MAGALHÃES, Antônio C. M.; BRANDÃO, Eli et alii.. Teologia do Riso: humor e mau humor na Bíblia e no cristianismo. Campina Grande: EDUEPB, 2017. 574p. il. ISBN: 978-85-7879-409-5 ISBN E-BOOK: 978-85-7879-410-1.
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    Cácima Typography: about the Cadernos and the sheets published there.Patrícia de Jesus Palma - 2011 - Cultura:125-140.
    Este artigo pretende dar a conhecer as condições de criação e de produção de um conjunto de textos de vanguarda que viriam a constituir-se como marco para a poesia portuguesa do século XX: a Poesia 61, impressos e editados numa pequena cidade de província, Faro.Como são aí editados estes e outros folhetos de autores como António Ramos Rosa, E. M. Melo e Castro, Maria Teresa Horta, Casimiro de Brito, Luiza Neto Jorge ou Fiama Hasse Pais Brandão, entre outros? (...)
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    Rethinking Reprogenetics: Enhancing Ethical Analyses of Reprogenetic Technologies.Inmaculada de Melo-Martín - 2016 - New York, NY, USA: Oxford University Press.
    Reprogenetic technologies, which combine the power of reproductive techniques with the tools of genetic science and technology, promise prospective parents a remarkable degree of control to pick and choose the likely characteristics of their offspring. Not only can they select embryos with or without particular genetically-related diseases and disabilities but also choose embryos with non-disease related traits such as sex. -/- Prominent authors such as Agar, Buchanan, DeGrazia, Green, Harris, Robertson, Savulescu, and Silver have flocked to the banner of reprogenetics. (...)
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    Payment in challenge studies: ethics, attitudes and a new payment for risk model.Olivia Grimwade, Julian Savulescu, Alberto Giubilini, Justin Oakley, Joshua Osowicki, Andrew J. Pollard & Anne-Marie Nussberger - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (12):815-826.
    Controlled Human Infection Model (CHIM) research involves the infection of otherwise healthy participants with disease often for the sake of vaccine development. The COVID-19 pandemic has emphasised the urgency of enhancing CHIM research capability and the importance of having clear ethical guidance for their conduct. The payment of CHIM participants is a controversial issue involving stakeholders across ethics, medicine and policymaking with allegations circulating suggesting exploitation, coercion and other violations of ethical principles. There are multiple approaches to payment: reimbursement, wage (...)
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  9. Empathy and Testimonial Trust.Olivia Bailey - 2018 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 84:139-160.
    Our collective enthusiasm for empathy reflects a sense that it is deeply valuable. I show that empathy bears a complex and surprisingly problematic relation to another social epistemic phenomenon that we have reason to value, namely testimonial trust. My discussion focuses on empathy with and trust in people who are members of one or more oppressed groups. Empathy for oppressed people can be a powerful tool for engendering a certain form of testimonial trust, because there is a tight connection between (...)
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    Ethical Risks of Systematic Menstrual Tracking in Sport.Olivia R. Howe - 2024 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 21 (3):543-557.
    In this article it will be concluded that systematic menstrual tracking in women’s sport has the potential to cause harm to athletes. Since the ruling of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization (2022) in the United States, concerns regarding menstrual health tracking have arisen. Research suggests that the menstrual tracking of female athletes presents potential risks to “women’s autonomy, privacy, and safety in sport” (Casto 2022, 1725). At present, the repercussions of systematic menstrual tracking are particularly under-scrutinized, and this paper (...)
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  11. Empathy and the Value of Humane Understanding.Olivia Bailey - 2022 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 104 (1):50-65.
    Empathy is a form of emotionally charged imaginative perspective‐taking. It is also the unique source of a particular form of understanding, which I will call humane understanding. Humane understanding consists in the direct apprehension of the intelligibility of others’ emotions. This apprehension is an epistemic good whose ethical significance is multifarious. In this paper, I focus on elaborating the sense in which humane understanding of others is non‐instrumentally valuable to its recipients. People have a complex but profound need to be (...)
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  12. What If We Took Autonomous Recovery Seriously? A Democratic Critique of Contemporary Western Ethical Foreign Policy.Olivia Umurerwa Rutazibwa - 2013 - Ethical Perspectives 20 (1):81-108.
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    Empathy, Care, and Understanding in Adam Smith’s Theory of Moral Sentiments.Olivia Bailey - 2016 - The Adam Smith Review 9.
  14. Race, empire, and early music.Olivia Bloechl - 2015 - In Olivia Ashley Bloechl, Melanie Diane Lowe & Jeffrey Kallberg, Rethinking difference in music scholarship. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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  15. Amor e morte em Martial.J. L. Brandao - 2004 - Humanitas 56:33-48.
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  16. Condicionantes do tempo nas "Vidas dos Césares" de Suétonio.J. L. Brandao - 2006 - Humanitas 58:133-156.
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  17. Marcial e o amor da liberdade.J. L. Brandao - 1998 - Humanitas 50:151.
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  18. Instalados en la teologia de Pentecostés. Pobreza agustiniana.Mm Campelo - 1987 - Ciudad de Dios 200 (2-3):311-332.
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  19. El Lissitzky's screening rooms.Olivia Crough - 2016 - In Dominique Chateau & José Moure, Screens: from materiality to spectatorship: a historical and theoretical reassessment. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
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  20. Inclining toward democracy : from Plato to Arendt.Olivia Guaraldo - 2024 - In Paula Landerreche Cardillo & Rachel Silverbloom, Political Bodies: Writings on Adriana Cavarero's Political Thought. Albany, NY: SUNY Press.
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    Boccaccio and Exemplary Literature: Ethics and Mischief in the Decameron.Olivia Holmes - 2022
    Introduction: Teaching and misleading -- Ethical fables and antifeminist exempla -- From sermon story to novella -- Lives of saints; lives of sinners -- Classical and vernacular exempla -- Magister amoris -- Afterword in time of plague.
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  22. A teoria da vontade de poder enquanto princípio da existência.Eder David de Freitas Melo - 2013 - Revista Inquietude 4 (2):143-159.
    Não apenas uma vez Nietzsche escreve que o mundo, junto com tudo que nele há, é tão somente vontade de poder. Por meio dessa teoria ele pensa os diversos níveis da existência, indo desde elementos ínfimos e simples até estruturas complexas, com elevado grau de refinamento. Tudo não passa, segundo esse filósofo, do desenrolar de forças em jogo agonístico por um algo a mais de poder. Neste artigo nós analisamos alguns aspectos da teoria da vontade de poder para mostrar como (...)
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    Les éditions Zeus, une initiative maçonnique pour la littérature d'avant-garde.Olivia Salmon Monviola - 2006 - In Maxence Caron & Jocelyn Benoist, Heidegger. Paris: Cerf. pp. 125.
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    Todo empieza con una línea.Olivia Teroba - 2022 - Estudios filosofía historia letras 20 (142):131.
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    Pupil dilation patterns reflect the contents of consciousness.Olivia Kang & Thalia Wheatley - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 35:128-135.
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    Moral courage in nursing: A concept analysis.Olivia Numminen, Hanna Repo & Helena Leino-Kilpi - 2017 - Nursing Ethics 24 (8):878-891.
    Background: Nursing as an ethical practice requires courage to be moral, taking tough stands for what is right, and living by one’s moral values. Nurses need moral courage in all areas and at all levels of nursing. Along with new interest in virtue ethics in healthcare, interest in moral courage as a virtue and a valued element of human morality has increased. Nevertheless, what the concept of moral courage means in nursing contexts remains ambiguous. Objective: This article is an analysis (...)
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  27. The Risk of Using Inductive Risk to Challenge the Value-Free Ideal.Inmaculada de Melo-Martín & Kristen Intemann - 2016 - Philosophy of Science 83 (4):500-520.
    The argument from inductive risk has been embraced by many as a successful account of the role of values in science that challenges the value-free ideal. We argue that it is not obvious that the argument from inductive risk actually undermines the value-free ideal. This is because the inductive risk argument endorses an assumption held by proponents of the value-free ideal: that contextual values never play an appropriate role in determining evidence. We show that challenging the value-free ideal ultimately requires (...)
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  28. Meaning Scepticism and Primitive Normativity.Olivia Sultanescu - 2021 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 102 (2):357-376.
    This paper examines Hannah Ginsborg's attempt to address the challenge raised by Saul Kripke's meaning sceptic. I start by identifying the two constraints that the sceptic claims must be met by a satisfactory answer. Then I try to show that Ginsborg's proposal faces a dilemma. In the first instance, I argue that it is able to meet the second constraint, but not the first. I then amend the proposal in order to make room for the first constraint. I go on (...)
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    Estereótipos de tirania nas "Vidas dos Césares" de Suetónio.José Luís Lopes Brandao - 2008 - Humanitas 60:115-138.
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    Are Apes’ Responses to Pointing Gestures Intentional?Olivia Sultanescu & Kristin Andrews - 2013 - Humana Mente 6 (24):53-77.
    This paper examines the meaningfulness of pointing in great apes. We appeal to Hannah Ginsborg’s conception of primitive normativity, which provides an adequate criterion for establishing whether a response is meaningful, and we attempt to make room for a conception according to which there is no fundamental difference between the responses of human infants and those of other great apes to pointing gestures. This conception is an alternative to Tomasello’s view that pointing gestures and reactions to them reveal a fundamental (...)
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  31. Beyond informed consent: the therapeutic misconception and trust.Inmaculada de Melo-Martin & A. Ho - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (3):202-205.
    The therapeutic misconception has been seen as presenting an ethical problem because failure to distinguish the aims of research participation from those receiving ordinary treatment may seriously undermine the informed consent of research subjects. Hence, most theoretical and empirical work on the problems of the therapeutic misconception has been directed to evaluate whether, and to what degree, this confusion invalidates the consent of subjects. We argue here that this focus on the understanding component of informed consent, while important, might be (...)
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    Ethical climate and nurse competence – newly graduated nurses' perceptions.Olivia Numminen, Helena Leino-Kilpi, Hannu Isoaho & Riitta Meretoja - 2015 - Nursing Ethics 22 (8):845-859.
    Background: Nursing practice takes place in a social framework, in which environmental elements and interpersonal relations interact. Ethical climate of the work unit is an important element affecting nurses’ professional and ethical practice. Nevertheless, whatever the environmental circumstances, nurses are expected to be professionally competent providing high-quality care ethically and clinically. Aim: This study examined newly graduated nurses’ perception of the ethical climate of their work environment and its association with their self-assessed professional competence, turnover intentions and job satisfaction. Method: (...)
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  33. Biobanking Legislation in Spain: Advancing or Undermining Its Ethical Values?Inmaculada de Melo-Martin & Eva Ortega-Paíno - 2024 - Biopreserv Biobank 22 (3):242-247.
    Biobanks are important resources for improving public health and individual care. Some legal frameworks can be more or less conducive to advancing the potential benefits of biobanks. The purpose of this article is to assess biobanking legislation and practices in Spain to determine how well they fare in such a regard. We focus here on some of the primary ethical values that ground relevant legislation and that we believe are consistent with promoting biobanking benefits: the value of scientific research; efficient (...)
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    A Braver Neuroethics that Matters in (and for) Africa.Olivia P. Matshabane & Cornelius Ewuoso - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 14 (4):410-413.
    Anna Wexler and Laura Specker Sullivan (2023) draw on their positionality as Global North early career neuroethics scholars to initiate a meaningful and timely conversation on Translational Neuroet...
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    A jurisprudence of movement: common law, walking, unsettling place.Olivia Barr - 2016 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Law moves, whether we notice or not. Set amongst a spatial turn in the humanities, and jurisprudence more specifically, this book calls for a greater attention to legal movement, in both its technical and material forms. Despite various ways the spatial turn has been taken up in legal thought, questions of law, movement and its materialities are too often overlooked. This book addresses this oversight, and it does so through an attention to the materialities of legal movement. Paying attention to (...)
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    Rethinking difference in music scholarship.Olivia Ashley Bloechl, Melanie Diane Lowe & Jeffrey Kallberg (eds.) - 2015 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This major essay collection takes a fresh look at how differences among people matter for music and musical thought.
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  37. Diálogo y comunidad según San Agustín.Moisés María Campelo - 1997 - Revista Agustiniana 38 (115-16):157-184.
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    San Agustín y el Padrenuestro.Moisés Ma Campelo - 2000 - Augustinus 45 (176-77):35-89.
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  39. Derrida : echoes of the forthcoming.Olivia Custer - 2011 - In Karin de Boer & R. Sonderegger, Conceptions of Critique in Modern and Contemporary Philosophy. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
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  40. A Ideia da liberdade no pensamento português.Romeu de Melo (ed.) - 1985 - Lisboa: Direcção-Geral da Comunicação Social.
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    Down in Pompeii: A Sexual Graffito in Verse ( Cil 4.9123).Olivia Elder - 2024 - Classical Quarterly 74 (1):360-364.
    This article revisits a famous graffiti poem from Pompeii (CIL 4.9123). It argues that the poem is both more erotically charged and more cleverly metaliterary than previously recognized; and that this reading of the poem offers new evidence for the literary richness of Pompeii's graffiti culture.
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  42. Ana Olivia Ruíz Martínez, et al." Sintomatología de anorexia y bulimia nerviosa en universidades privadas y públicas".Ana Olivia Ruíz Martínez, Roxana González Sotomayor & Silvia Valdez Nasser - 2005 - Episteme 1 (3).
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    Queer inclusion in teacher education: bridging theory, research, and practice.Olivia Jo Murray - 2015 - New York: Routledge.
    Queer Inclusion in Teacher Education explores the challenges and promises of building queer inclusive pedagogy and curriculum into teacher education. Weaving together theory, research findings, and practical "how-to" strategies and materials, it fills an important gap by offering a clear roadmap and resources for influencing the knowledge, beliefs, and actions of faculty working with pre-service teachers. While the book has implications for policy change, most immediately, readers will feel empowered with ideas for faculty development they can implement in their own (...)
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    La traducción de los culturemas.Olivia Petrescu - 2011 - Valenciana 8:139-172.
    En este artículo nos proponemos revisar, sobre una base léxica y fraseológica, la traducción publicada al rumano de la novela de Guillermo Arriaga, Un dulce olor a muerte, a partir del análisis de las teorías de la traducción más relevantes en relación con el tratamiento de los elementos culturales. En esencia, mediante el uso de las funciones del lenguaje definido por Nord, respecto a las diferencias culturales en la traducción, nuestro objetivo es explorar las diversas prácticas culturales de transferencia, con (...)
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    Sentiment d’urgence et expérience émotionnelle de la rencontre avec l’objet primaire.Olivia Pinto - 2019 - Dialogue 3:175-192.
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    “Comparable Workers” and the Part-Time Workers Regulations: Matthews v. Kent and Medway Towns Fire Authority [2006] U.K.H.L. 8.Olivia Smith - 2007 - Feminist Legal Studies 15 (1):85-98.
    The House of Lords majority decision in Matthews v. Kent and Medway Towns Fire Authority overturns the narrow interpretation given to key aspects of the Part-Time Workers (Protection of Less Favourable Treatment) Regulations’ core comparator mechanism in the lower tribunals and the Court of Appeal. It is a contextually astute judgment, which recognises the reductionist implications of an overly narrow approach to establishing comparability for the purposes of a less favourable treatment claim on the grounds of part-time work. The positive (...)
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  47. Meaning, Rationality, and Guidance.Olivia Sultanescu - 2023 - Philosophical Quarterly 73 (1):227-247.
    In Wittgenstein on Rules and Private Language, Saul Kripke articulates a form of scepticism about meaning. Even though there is considerable disagreement among critics about the reasoning in which the sceptic engages, there is little doubt that he seeks to offer constraints for an adequate account of the facts that constitute the meaningfulness of expressions. Many of the sceptic's remarks concern the nature of the guidance involved in a speaker's meaningful uses of expressions. I propose that we understand those remarks (...)
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  48. The Fight Against Doubt: How to Bridge the Gap Between Scientists and the Public.Inmaculada de Melo-Martín & Kristen Intemann - 2018 - New York, NY, USA: Oxford University Press.
    The lack of public support for climate change policies and refusals to vaccinate children are just two alarming illustrations of the impacts of dissent about scientific claims. Dissent can lead to confusion, false beliefs, and widespread public doubt about highly justified scientific evidence. Even more dangerously, it has begun to corrode the very authority of scientific consensus and knowledge. Deployed aggressively and to political ends, some dissent can intimidate scientists, stymie research, and lead both the public and policymakers to oppose (...)
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    Só em direção ao só: considerações sobre a mística de Plotino.Bernardo Guadalupe dos Santos Lins Brandão - 2007 - Horizonte 6 (11):151-158.
    Resumo Plotino é um pensador estranho para o filósofo contemporâneo: nas suas Enéadas, ele discute experiência mística e prática filosófica como se fosse uma mesma coisa. De fato, no pensamento plotiniano, o ápice da vida filosófica é a contemplação mística: não pensamento irracional, mas uma forma supra-racional de consciência que é alcançada pela prática ascética e pelo procedimento dialético. Este artigo tenta entender o que é a experiência mística em Plotino. Na verdade, uma leitura atenta dos textos das Enéadas que (...)
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    What Knowledge is Necessary for Virtue?Olivia Bailey - 2010 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 4 (2):1-18.
    Critics contend that Aristotelianism demands too much of the virtuous person in the way of knowledge to be credible. This general charge is usually directed against either of two of Aristotelianism’s apparent claims about the necessary conditions for the possession of a single virtue, namely that 1) one must know what all the other virtues require, and 2) one must also be the master of a preternatural range of technical/empirical knowledge. I argue that Aristotelianism does indeed have a very high (...)
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